27:30Episode 1
"Amazing Grace" | Faith in History
Episode 1
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of Amazing Grace, how it came to be, and who wrote it.
27:30Episode 2
Billy Sunday | Faith in History
Episode 2
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the the story of Billy Sundays conversion and how he went from professional athlete, to prominent preacher.
"Booker T. Washington I" | Faith in History
Episode 3
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of Booker T. Washington.
Booker T Washington II | Faith in History
Episode 4
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the the story of Booker T. Washingtons impact on America and the World.
27:30Episode 5
"History of Slavery" | Faith in History
Episode 5
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the history of slavery worldwide.
History of Slavery II | Faith in History
Episode 6
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the continuation of the history of slavery worldwide.
"History of Slavery III" | Faith in History
Episode 7
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the culmination of his series on the history of slavery worldwide.
27:30Episode 8
"Lincoln and Darwin" | Faith in History
Episode 8
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the concurrent stories of two men who were born on the same day and left behind very different legacies.
Emancipation Proclamation Pt. 1 | Faith in History
Episode 9
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of the Emancipation Proclamation, its beginnings, and it's lasting effects on our country.
The Battle of Gettysburg - Ulysses S. Grant Part 1 | Faith in History
Episode 10
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of the battle of Gettysburg, and a biography of one of our most revolutionary presidents.
Emancipation Proclamation Pt. 2 | Faith in History
Episode 11
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of the Emancipation Proclamation, its beginnings, and its lasting effects on our country.
Government For The People By The People | Faith in History
Episode 12
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of the US Government and how it was made by the people, for the people.
27:30Episode 13
Communion on the Moon | Faith in History
Episode 13
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of the the faith of our American astronauts and how communion was held on the moon.
Four Chaplains Day and Fitsuo Machida | Faith in History
Episode 14
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the stories of Four Chaplains day, and the amazing conversion of Mitsuo Fuchida, the man who led the Pearl Harbor attack.
27:30Episode 15
Eddie Rickenbacker | Faith in History
Episode 15
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of Eddie Rickenbackers life and the miraculous tale of his near death on the open waters of the pacific.
27:30Episode 16
"Laymans Prayer Revival" | Faith in History
Episode 16
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the stories of Jeremiah Lanphier, D.L. Moody, and the Laymans Prayer Revival in America
27:30Episode 17
George Williams / YMCA | Faith in History
Episode 17
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of George Williams and how his business changed America and the world.
The Booths and Salvation Army | Faith in History
Episode 18
Join William Federer as he guides you through the faith in our history with the story of the Booth family, and how their business changed America and the world.